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News - 12 April 2022

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Feb 2022 was a great month for wind but ...

12 April 2022

February 2022 showed the best monthly contribution to grid demand to date for generation by wind turbines. They contributed 36.9% to demand on average with a peak of just over 60% and a low of just under 10%.

However the figures for March showed just how variable wind can be. With an average contribution of only 20.7%, this was worse than March 2021 (22.4%) which in turn was less than March 2020 (25.8%) despite significant increases in installed capacity in each year.

In March 2022 the minimum contribution from wind was a miserable 0.4% and wind lulls, periods when the wind contributed less than 5% of demand, extended to almost 140 hours in total, just short of 20% of the time.

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